Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Solar Power Today: What products are out There?

Jonah D. Martin                                                   

30 May 2015

There are many solar power products on the market, however do they meet the standards current to the day, and how can one find just what products are out there?
What products are out there?
            Solar City is one for starters.  I have partnered with them as a solar ambassador.  They are looking for more ambassadors too, so feel free to go to my micro-site and sign up.
Then you can join me in spreading the word about solar power.  Solar power is a clean, safe, and cost efficient energy source.  Best of all, it helps the environment.  Solar City is offering a $250.00 for each referral that gets a unit installed into their home.  If one is looking to switch to solar power themselves, there are some requirements to meet.  For starters, one’s home must be situated so that the sun will hit the panels throughout the day.  There are government standards for the install that the installers must meet to insure the maximum savings to the consumers, so do your research and compare all the companies you can find.
New innovations

            New products and concepts are in the making.  The future of solar power is bright.  Solar power is even uses in space exploration and does not require any other fuel source.  One can really see how efficient this power can be.  From clean renewable energy, to receiving a check from the power company instead of a bill, is a win, win situation.  Also, there is concepts for the future that may allow the exterior of our homes and windows to collect this energy to be stored for future use.  Power shortages are no concern.  Energy collected in the day will build a reserve to be used at night, and when a storm knocks the power out.  In some countries, solar power is relied on during power outages and disasters.  The solar movement is here to stay.
"Upgrade your home to solar on us Solar City can install a solar power system on your home for free and sell you the energy it produces for less than you currently pay. This is your chance to save for years to come. Locked in low energy rates for years All repairs covered at no added cost Dedicated customer care Your first month of solar energy is on Solar City --courtesy of Jonah Martin"

Another exciting innovation involves thin film technology. Currently, thin film panels can be made which utilize much less silicon than regular crystalline panels. But scientists are developing even more parsimonious methods of manufacture, and experimenting in silicon suspension methods too. The next great application of thin film may be solar blinds that actually harness the sunlight that hits your windows. Further down the road, we may see paints which are capable of becoming solar generators by creating an electrical charge. Imagine a world in which the exterior of buildings and even cars are put to work generating power! That ability is years from a reality, but the potential is there. To learn more about solar power, please visit our solar learning center.

Works Cited

Jonah Martin
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First month is on us
Date accessed 05/30/2015

Stay Current: Our Top Solar Links
By SolarCity May 29, 2015

Posted on May 21, 2015 by Ben Farmer